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Garage Policy and Insurance

Garage Insurance is liability insurance for garage owners and car dealerships. It protects the insured or his business in the event of an accident under the insured's ownership, maintenance or use of the premises for the purpose of a garage. A garage insurance policy includes the coverage of garage buildings, contents, stock and equipment, and automobile. It may bear medical expenses of the injured in case of an accident .Thus the following coverages are available: garage liability, garagekeepers, and auto physical damage coverage. You may get other coverages by endorsement.

Mind that there is a number of limitations for garage insurance such as liabilities which should be directly related to the garage or vehicles themselves and other services may not be protected.

If you run an automotive service business, you are required by law to purchase the garage liability policy, because the insurance policy on an automobile will not insure the service centre for damages it has caused to the vehicle or others, when the car is in the care, custody and control of the facility. So your Garage Insurance pays to repair or replace vehicles placed under your care when they are damaged or destroyed.