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Landmark life insurance

The most widespread application of "landmark life insurance" is in reference to the Landmark Life Insurance Company. It stands as one of America's fastest growing and strongest life insurance companies, offering various types of landmark life insurance. At present Landmark Life Insurance Company is a ramified network of insurance providers working cooperatively according to the same set of principles. Landmark Life Insurance Company is also known to be one of the most progressive insurance companies throughout the USA.

The range of basic products offered by Landmark Life Insurance Company encompasses quite a typical set of plans normally offered under life insurance plans. Thus, you can obtain both term and permanent life insurance. Term Life Insurance (including such variations as Yearly Renewable Term Life Insurance and Decreasing Term Life Insurance) provides protection for a certain period of time. It's the best choice if a person needs a policy with only coverage in mind, i.e. death benefit.

Permanent Life Insurance which provides long-life protection is also on offer under Landmark Life Insurance and includes Universal Life Insurance, Variable Universal Life Insurance, Variable Life Insurance and Whole Life Insurance.