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Why Insurance Blood Test

The Insurance Blood Test is a necessary condition if you intend to enroll in a Life Insurance program. In this case a blood test is made only to determine your availability for an insurance program, to diagnose any of the pre-existing conditions, to measure different health indicators, such as cholesterol levels, liver or kidney disorders, HIV, diabetes, immune disorders, pregnancy and to screen for drugs.

Among typical medical parameters for which your blood will be subjected to analysis are glucose level, fructosamine glycated albumin, hemoglobin (all the three can detect the blood sugar level and your predisposition to diabetes), the level of creatine which can indicate your kidney disease, alkaline phosphatase which shows if you are pregnant, total bilirubin which can be an indicator of blood diseases, liver diseases and metabolic conditions as well as different types of enzymes and proteins which occur in a variety of disorders.

Your blood can be drawn in two different ways and among a group of factors that predetermine the choice is the amount of coverage you intend to buy. In case you are purchasing a large amount of Life Insurance, you will be required to submit your full blood profile. In other cases a finger-prick blood sample is enough.

Depending on the results of your blood test, your insurer-to-be determines your availability for Life Insurance, the amount of your premium and in some cases the amount of your deductible.