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Wind and Hail Insurance

When selecting adequate insurance for your home, consider such perils as natural disasters. In case you purchase property in an area that is prone to hurricanes or floods, it is vitally important to have sufficient coverage to protect a home or real estate investment from considerable damage. Wind and Hail Insurance will cover the cost of rebuilding your home in case hurricane damages the building. This coverage will protect you against wind, wind gusts, hail, rain, tornadoes, or cyclones caused by a hurricane. These disasters may result in direct physical loss or damage to property. Hailstorms may not result in the catastrophic damage often associated with windstorms or fire, but are still likely to result in significant damage to the roof of the building.

If your property is located in one of Texas' 14 coastal counties, your policy may exclude coverage for wind and hail damage. In this case, to be protected, you will need to obtain Wind and Hail coverage separately from the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA), a special insurance pool. Your property will have to pass a windstorm inspection and can qualify for TWIA coverage only in case it meets certain windstorm-resistant building standards.

Make sure your Homeowners or Commercial Property coverage is current and that it will pay the full replacement cost of your property should the property be damaged by windstorm or hail. Consult with a real estate or insurance professional to choose the best option available. Learn what your policy's limits are. Remember that you may have to purchase separate policies to cover wind, hail, and flood damages. Homeowners can purchase Wind and Hail Insurance with a deductible based on a percentage of possible damages, which will increase as the amount of damages increases, or with a fixed "all peril" deductible, which is considered to be the best option in case of considerable loss.

Note that there are certain ways that can help reduce damage in the event of wind and hail. Such areas as the roof, the windows, and the doors of your home can be improved to help mitigate losses in the event of a hurricane and prevent a structure from being penetrated by the wind, water, sand etc. For instance, it is very important to keep the doors and windows sealed shut and keep the roof intact. The condition and materials of the roof covering and proper angling of the roof can considerably improve the impact resistance.