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Does Insurance Cover Returning Body Home
When remaining abroad one is either obliged or highly recommended to own overseas insurance which guarantees reimbursement for medical and non-medical expenses. Medical coverage deals with such medical expenses as emergency surgery and emergency evacuation, admission to a hospital and extended hospital stays. The gravest problem connected with Medical Insurance arises in the event of the insured's death. The burning question in this situation is whether Overseas Insurance policies cover death. Overseas Insurance companies are obliged to render every possible assistance for it and pay the cost of the return of mortal remains. Services included in Overseas Insurance policy covering death are the following: preparing the deceased for transportation and transportation of the body from the site of death to the funeral home. Here insurance companies also take care of settling down all consular services, procuring all required documentation and death certificates. As for transportation, the policy handles first transportation of the remains from the funeral home to the airport and then from the airport to the receiving funeral home.
An insurance policy cannot save your life. But you should remember that all the services your Overseas Insurance policy can cover are very expensive and difficult to perform without professional help. That is why it is advisable to think about your dearest and nearest and their comfort before you set on a trip.