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House insurance quote
House insurance quote is the statement of the current market price of a house insurance policy depending on a number of factors, first and foremost being the type and the scope of coverage. Nowadays almost all insurance companies and agencies offer their quotes online. You can get a quote supplying some necessary details which will determine the rate of the most appropriate insurance for you. Thus, normally you are asked to fill in the gaps with personal information providing your address, including your state and you city which can influence the quote noticeably as quotes vary by state, and your zip code. Property information you are usually required to provide includes the property type that you want to ensure, type of exterior walls, type of the roof, estimated square footage, the age of the house, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, current insurance, if any, and requested coverage. Most likely, you will have to answer if there is a garage adjacent to your house, if there is a security system, and if you have had any claims for the last 5 years. Additionally, you may have to answer how your house is heated, if you keep dogs at home and what type of dogs, and if there are smokers in your home.