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Fake Proof of Insurance
The term "fake proof of insurance" refers to the situation of committing forgery of an insurance contract for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose. Usually references to fake proof of insurance are found in articles on car insurance issues, which is quite foreseeable because being suspended or revoked a license a driver is left without any chance to be mobile and to move around in one's own car. For many people this situation is a deadlock as it brings their everyday frenzied rhythm of life to naught. It pushes them to perpetrate a fraud.
Due to a frequent number of occasions when fake proof of insurance is positive, the chances are great that you will be checked up for this and asked to present any evidence that establishes or helps to establish the validity of your license. Usually fake cards contain insurance company codes that do not match the original ones. Misspelled words and flimsy copier paper can also be indicators of a fake insurance. The amount of fraud can be different, but there is a growing tendency to hunt down fake card pushers. In case a driver's guilt is officially established, he/she is charged with conspiracy to defraud.
Thus, fake proof of insurance is a very serious misdemeanor because if you are unable to provide proof of your insurance, you may be found guilty of violation of civil responsibility. The court may suspend your license for 30 days or, in a worse case, you can be subject to a fine up to $500, imprisonment up to 5 years or both.
Fake proof of insurance becomes a knotty problem for innocent drivers as well if they happen to be a victim in a crash and the other driver appears to have a fraudulent driving card. The problem is that insurance companies do not care and claim they are not liable for such offences. Consequently they refuse to meet your claim for reimbursement.