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Insurance for Jewelers
Insurance for Jewelers is designed to provide protection to all kinds of businesses specializing in such a valuable and costly commodity as jewelry. Normally there are several categories of individuals liable to this insurance: retail jewelers, jewelry manufacturers, bench shops' owners, jewelry designers, and jewelry wholesalers. Among the common insurance products offered to jewelers are Jewelers Standard policies usually setting a maximum limit on the jeweler's property of $500,000, Jewelers Block Program which is aimed at protecting the jewelry stock entrusted to you by your clients, Manufacturing Jewelers Block which covers a manufacturer's inventory and work in process, Appraisal Liability coverage protecting you against incorrect appraisal of your jewelry, and different policies for bench jewelers to ensure repair works against damage. Besides, if you find it necessary, your liability coverage can be extended via commercial umbrella liability policies.
Not all the policies are available in all the states. But if you want to safeguard your business and the property entrusted to you, you can create an insurance package tailored specially for your situation in accordance with your needs.